Tuesday 12 June 2012

The Delivery of Destiny, Purple Haze and The Case of the Missing Q...

Riversea Blog 3

12th June 2012

Well, this is it… The moment we’ve been heading towards since Brendan and I wrote our first song together (‘Out of an Ancient World’) back in late 2006: The release of our debut album.

Over the next few days/weeks our finished CD will be landing on doormats all around the world, then all our hard efforts will be heard for the first time and the ‘Judgement of the Listeners’ will be upon us…. Gulp…

As my good friend Bryan Josh from Mostly Autumn has often said to me, the clock doesn’t start ticking until a finished CD is out there and people can hear the complete thing. Until then all the words spoken about the project are just hot air… And, let’s be honest, we have ‘talked’ about the project quite a lot over the last few years! Now, at last, we have something to back it all up… :o)

So now those first 1000 CDs exist in the real world and Tam and I sent out all the pre-orders yesterday. I filmed the whole thing as well as them arriving, both mine and Brendan’s first reaction to seeing the finished article and a little of the Progmeister2 festival in Hartlepool on Saturday (all the video footage will be online soon). I just want to take this opportunity to thank my partner Tamsin for been there every step of the way: Not only with all her help sending all the CDs out etc… but also been so encouraging and supportive during the whole making of the project. Without her I would have been totally lost…

I’d also like to thank, of course, all the people who had enough faith in us to pre-order the album in the first place. Without you guys all the CDs would literally not exist… Thank you :o)

So, since the delivery last Thursday, we have to come to realise that with these first 1000 CDs we have unknowingly created something of a ‘special edition’: ‘The Purple Haze Q-Less Limited Edition’. How so? Read on, gentle reader…

Imagine my excitement on receiving this long awaited finished CD last Thursday and then reading through the whole CD booklet with immense pride…. And then imagine my utter horror when reading the page 2 musician credits page and realising that my good friend Paul (‘Q’) Cusick’s name wasn’t on there!! :o( Paul not only plays wonderful guitar on track 6 ‘EDEN’ but he was also there at the creation of RIVERSEA and helped shape a lot of the original demos for some of the tunes. He also played with us at all 3 of RIVERSEA’s only gigs (so far) back in 2008 and has been a close personal friend of mine since 2001. How his name was missed off the musician credit page is a mystery that will haunt me for the rest of my life. I supplied the original text to Ed Unitsky months ago and, along with Brendan, have proof read the whole thing over and over again over the last few months. Neither of us picked up on the fact his name wasn’t there. This was NOT Ed's fault (he had just used the text I had sent him) but my own. And, of course, it took until we had the physical thing finished and 1000 copies made that I immediately noticed the error! My heart sank, I can tell you. In fact, it quite depressed me for a time. I phoned Paul up last night and told him the bad news (something I was not at all looking forward to). Been the great guy that he is, he laughed about it and told me not to worry too much. Back in the GABRIEL days (Paul played for my old band back in 2001-2005) he was affectionately known to us as Mr Memory (due to his amazing ability to forget songs from one minute to the next). It is therefore very ironic now that he was somehow ‘forgotten’ from the musician list. I’ve still now idea how it happened. I suggested to him yesterday that maybe he was an agent of The Silence (aliens in ‘Doctor Who’ that are immediately forgotten the moment they are out of sight). The actual silence that greeted me at the end of the phone was an indication of what he thought about that idea! So can I now take this opportunity to publicly apologize to Paul for the genuine mistake and state that he may have been ‘forgotten’ from the musician list but his superb playing and friendship will never be forgotten. If you’ve not heard Paul’s music please do check out his stuff at http://www.paulcusick.co.uk and, if you like what you hear (and I’m sure you will), please let him know and maybe even buy some of his music… Please don’t forget to tell him where you heard about him…. And if you want to write his name yourselves into the credit page in the booklet please do. It should read:

Paul Cusick: guitars on 6

Thank you :o)

So what about the ‘Purple Haze’ part of the ‘limited edition’? Well, although the cover etc… of the booklet still looks totally beautiful (thanks, of course, to the amazing artwork of Ed Unitsky), it is a little more ‘purple’ than we originally intended. The RIVERSEA colours have always been Blue, Black and White but, somewhere along the way, the beautiful blue has transformed into more of a purple. We hope to correct this for the next pressing of the album…

So there you go, the very special ‘Purple Haze Q-Less Limited Edition’. When your copy arrives hold on to it tight as one day it may be worth a fortune on Ebay! Who knows what will happen next… maybe the album will be ‘picked up’ and sell millions around the world (I can dream, cant I?) and these first 1000 CDs will be sort after by hard core collectors and spoken about in hushed reverence. Or maybe not. Let’s see what happens, shall we… :o)

Ok, that’s it for now. Please listen to the CD with an open mind and heart and then let us know your thoughts on the album. We really hope you enjoy it and thank you for taking the time to read this.

Let ‘The Judgement of the Listeners’ begin….


Peace, love and rock n roll

Marc :o)

Tuesday 1 May 2012

RIVERSEA Blog 2: Not long now...


1st may 2012

Hi again :)

Well, it's certainly been a busy 7 days for RIVERSEA this week. It all began in the dying hours of Monday night when the brand new Riversea website  finally went online along with the all-important pre-order. At the same time the video for our first 'single' from the album EDEN hit You tube and set the world alight (ok, I might have just exaggerated there slightly!). As Brendan had been working on the video on his own at his home studio in Hartlepool, I didn’t see the finished video until everyone else did. I was really pleased with how it all turned out and the reaction so far to the video and, of course the song, has been very positive...

The video has been slightly ‘tweaked’ since it made it’s debut and was re-posted and set back to ‘zero views’ on Saturday so please do check it out at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJFMcJKUemM

And then, in a wonderful display of universal coincidence, within minutes of the website and video going 'live' we got an email from Ed Unitsky containing the final artwork for the CD booklet etc... Although we had seen Ed's stunning cover before (in fact, we'd had the cover in place for over a year), neither Brendan nor myself had seen the finished artwork until this point. To say we were more than happy with the final result would be a massive understatement... We LOVE it. And I’m sure you will too. Ed's art has been the final piece in the jigsaw in creating the RIVERSEA album and complements the songs and the sound of the band superbly. Let's put is this way, if I saw a CD with that artwork in HMV I'd buy it without even knowing what the band sounded like (ok, I might have just exaggerated there again!). But, seriously, hats off to Ed... Superb Job.

The pre-order too has been a success for us. As the RIVERSEA album is been released on our own 'label' and we are completely self financed, the pre-order was an essential part in the final phase of the album's creation as, without it, we literally wouldn’t have been able to afford the pressing of the physical CD units. The pre-order went online Tuesday morning and I'm more than pleased to say that by the close of play on Friday we had more than passed our 'target' and we'd raised enough money for the first 'pressing' of the album. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of you who has paid for our album in advance and shown such faith in us. You literally have made all of this possible. Thank you. Needless to say, the CDs will be sent out as soon as they arrive at RIVERSEA HQ. I don’t want to make you wait any more for this...

Of course, the pre-order is still very much in place and we are doing our best to get the word 'out there' with regards the RIVERSEA release. Because we are a 'recording only' band (at least at the moment) and completely self managed, we really need any help anyone can give us with regards 'promoting' this album and making sure that other people get chance to hear what we've been up to all these years. Getting our music heard is the goal. So please feel free to 'share' our video and let other people know about our songs. It's all about getting the album ‘out there’ and 'finding' all those music fans who would really 'dig' what we do (did I jut say 'dig'?).

So, hopefully if all things go smoothly from here, we’re hoping to have the physical CD units back with us around May 20th and we’ll be shipping them out as soon as possible.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and we really hope you enjoy the full album when you finally get to hear it. Not long now…

Peace, love and rock n roll

Marc 1st May 2012

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Blog 1: The Birth of RIVERSEA...

Hello All :o)

I haven’t written a new blog in well over a year now. It’s not like nothing’s been happening in ‘my’ world, it’s just that I’ve been waiting on having something ‘new’ and ‘concrete’ to say about the creative side of my ‘musical’ life rather than just add another ‘RIVERSEA is coming soon…’ type blog that I’ve written since early 2007. I was sick of those (as I’m sure others were too!). I wanted to be able to say ‘ok, here’s what’s happening’ and give you something new and exciting and never been heard before anywhere…

So here it is….

RIVERSEA is coming soon…

Dooohhh… I’ve done it again!

But, really, it is… I’ve heard the 99.9% completed thing. And it exists. Honest. If all goes to plan from here, we’re looking at having all the CD units and downloads available from the end of April (at the latest). We’ve got the final ‘Master’ day on 23rd March, we’ll ‘live with it’ for a few days, make sure it all sounds cool and then we’ll be sending it to the manufactures where it will be all matched up with Ed Unitsky’s wonderful artwork and fused together in one little bundle of CD love.

I’m so excited. It’s almost like having a baby! Seriously! The love that’s gone into it has been incredible. The birth has been long and drawn out but Brendan and I have co-created our little baby and now it’s almost ready to face the Big Bad World… And the judgement of you guys, the listeners…


Anyway, to try and explain about that long ‘Birth’…

The ‘pushing back’ of the release of the RIVERSEA debut (originally ‘scheduled’ for 2009) has been an ongoing source of frustration for us and has, understandably, generated many sarcastic comments on Face book and gigs because, lets face it, I’ve mentioned its ‘upcoming release’ a few times. I’ve had everything from ‘Believe it when I see it’, ‘Does it really exist?’ and, my favourite, ‘Get your finger out of your arse’! And it’s all well deserved. If you’d have said to me back in 2006 (when Brendan and I wrote our first song together) that it would be almost 5 1/2 years until our finished debut album was ‘out’, I’d have never have believed you. But that’s how long it’s taken from conception to birth (Ok, I’m going to stop this ‘baby’ thing now because it’s starting to freak me out and giving me all sorts of crazy mental images!)…

But here, as brief as I can make it, is why…

I’m sure when a lot of music lovers think about a band making an album they think that all the members lock themselves away in a remote studio, jam together on half written song ideas and eventually, over hours and hours of endless creativity, they produce the finished CD. That’s how it works for bands like MARILLION (for example) and, I’m sure, many others but that’s certainly not how it’s been with RIVERSEA….

(If only… It’s my dream for Brendan, Dave, Alex, Ade and me to go off to a great studio somewhere for a few weeks and just play and write and jam… It’d be heaven… And I know we’d probably write 2 or 3 albums worth of stuff…)

The way that the song writing process has worked is that Brendan has sent me (either via a CD or a download) instrumental tracks and I have loaded them onto my studio set up and written a vocal melody and a lyric to it at my leisure…

Because, truth be told, RIVERSEA is not a ‘conventional band’… In fact, all the ‘members’ have never even been in the same room together at the same time…  This is because RIVERSEA is a song writing project… Created by Brendan Eyre and myself… An idea to create an album of songs we co-created together … To produce the very CD that is coming soon… We’ve been helped along the way by an incredible line up of friends and musicians… Including Dave Clements who has not only played some wonderful bass on the album, but helped give the whole thing that last ‘lick of paint’ with his musical know how. The footage I put up of us all in the studio together the other week was actually the first time all three of us had been in the same room together at the same time. We had such a great day. RIVERSEA have become a trio… 3 has always been my ‘number’ :o)

But RIVERSEA is also a 14-uo (if such a thing existed) because that is how many musicians play on the album. I’m so proud to know my musical friends and their playing has enhanced our song writing so beautifully…

RIVERSEA are a band that literally wouldn’t have been able to exist in the 20th century because, in many ways, we are a band connected by that wonderful invention that is the World Wide Web. The album has been put together piece by piece over the last few years and many of those pieces have been sent via attachments to emails and then melded together in the miracle of musical creation that is Cubase… (not that you’d be able to tell this by listening to the finished album, by the way, which sounds like we were all in the same room together at the same time when it was recorded!)

All the vocal parts (mine and Jan’s, Livvy’s and Louise’s) were recorded at my studio (The BARN in Copmanthorpe, York). Mark, Bryan, Liam and Adam recorded their guitars at my place too. Brendan recorded all his keyboards at his studio at home. Paul, Ash and Ade recorded all their guitars on their home studios too. The drums were recorded in Leeds. The bass at Dave’s in York.

Because here’s another thing that maybe no one outside of the band realises (and why should they?): The sad truth of it is, I’ve never even met Adrian Jones in person despite having worked on the NINE STONES CLOSE ‘Traces’ album and been in the same band as him! We’ve spoke many times on Skype (and what a lovely man he is) but at the time I recorded all my vocals for that NSC album we’d only ever communicated via email! The reason for this, for those that don’t know, is that Ade lives in Leiden in the Netherlands. And here’s part of the reason for the long RIVERSEA birth… The distance between us…

I live in Millom, Cumbria… Brendan lives in Hartlepool, Teeside… Dave lives in York… It’s a 3 hour drive from my house to Brendan’s (it’s the same for me to get to Dave’s)… Alex lives in Northallerton… Mark in Harrogate… Ashley in Denmark… You get the idea…

Arranging get-togethers where all of our ‘free dates’ match is slightly more complicated than unlocking the secrets of quantum mechanics… The ‘final mixing day’ I filmed recently was a day that was literally months in the organising…

Because another thing to take into consideration when discussing this magical world of song writing/recording is that a little thing called ‘Real Life’ can really interfere with the best laid plans etc… Illness, financial woes, house moves, work and even deaths have impacted greatly on the making of this album and sometimes (quite often, in fact) they’d be gaps of literally months where nothing moved forward in any way. We’ve all had ‘rough times’ over the last few years. Sometimes things happen that are ‘out of our hands’. Life has a way of doing that hasn’t it?

Suddenly, before you know it, days have turned into weeks and those weeks have turned into months… and we all know what months turn into, don’t we? Time flies when you’re having fun… It flies even faster when you’re making a RIVERSEA album, it seems.

So, what I really wanted to dispel with this blog, was the idea that maybe me and Brendan have been locked away in a studio together constantly for the last 5 years re-recording and re-working our tunes over and over again debating endlessly about reverb times and been mind numbing perfectionists. As you can maybe tell by now, this is not what has been going on… This album may have taken 5 years or so from conception to birth but the time actually spent ‘in studio’ is comparatively short. This is no GUNS & ROSES album (and thank God for that!)…

So there you go, I think have may have ranted on a little too long about all that and maybe nothing is clearer for the reader now (I’m still confused myself! I mean, why did it take so long??!)) but I’ve had a go anyway at trying to explain about the mystery that is RIVERSEA…

I think Brendan summed it up best when he posted on Facebook and said "Why has it taken so long? Because it just did, ok??!"

I think I might leave it up to him to write the blogs in future...

Anyway, for those that stuck with this one until the end...

Thank you

See you next time :o)

Marc.... 6th March 2012

PS: For those that may be interested (Hi, Mum) here's a 'Timeline' for the making of the album...

The RIVERSEA Timeline:

Late 2006: Brendan and Marc decide to write some songs together. The first song written is ‘Out of an Ancient World’…

2007: ‘Eden’, ‘The Song’ and ‘All around the World’ are written and demoed… Along with more songs that didn’t quite ‘make the cut’… By the end of the year Paul ‘Q’ Cusick is helping out with the recordings of the songs…

2008: ‘Is that what God wants’, ‘The Fallen’ and ‘Wiser’ are written and demoed (along with quite a few others)…. ‘ RIVERSEA: The Demo EP’ is recorded and released to coincide with a support slot for THE REASONING in Oct…. Paul ‘Q’ Cusick leaves the project to concentrate on his first solo album… It is decided that Cubase is the way to record the album ‘proper’ so Brendan invests in it and starts to record his keyboards…

2009: ‘Falling Stars’, ‘Freeze the Frame’ and ‘Still Home’ are written… Marc starts work in his vocals for the album… Brendan continues to record his keyboards… Adrian Jones records his guitars for ‘Falling Stars’…The album starts to take shape…

2010: ‘In the Beginning…’ written and recorded… Marc records more vocals… Brendan records more keyboards… Adam Dawson, Mark Rowen, Liam Davison and Bryan Josh record their guitar parts at Marc’s studio… Adrian Jones, Paul Cusick and Ashley Mulford record their guitar parts on the home studios... Livvy, Jan, Alex and Louise record their backing vocals at Marc’s studio… Brendan starts putting all the pieces together on Cubase with Marc travelling over whenever he can to help out with the mixing…

2011: Alex Cromarty records his drums at Sound works studios in Leeds… Ed Unitsky is commissioned to provide the artwork for the album... ‘Still Home (reprise)’ is written and recorded… More mixing is done at Brendan’s… Then the Cubase mixes are transferred over to Dave’s studio in York… Dave records his bass parts for the full album… Tony records his flute parts…

2012: In February Marc and Brendan travel to Dave’s studio for the ‘final mix day’… In March they get together for the final ‘Master’ day, then all the info is sent to the CD manufacturers and the album/artwork is all put together… in April, the CD is finally with us… 

Friday 2 March 2012

Entry Number 1: RIVERSEA

Ive just created a new account on Blogger as I'm going to be writing a regular blog from now up until (and beyond) the RIVERSEA CD release.... So please expect the 1st blog any day now... honest :o)

In the meantime, if you've not seen it already, here's the footage from last Friday's RIVERSEA mixing session in York... Hope you enjoy